Health care Service
Cory.Care focuses on vitality and care – guiding employees in improving their health. Whether it's offline or online, the care is accessible 24/7.

With the initiative of XpertHealth China started offering prevention, performance and vitality programs to companies in 2016. The care was reshaped into an eHealth platform, Xin.Care. The aim was to make health care accessible and affordable for expats in China.
With a similar approach, XpertHealth Netherlands started with the eHealth platform Cory.Care to create a direct contribution to the quality and improvement of care and decrease the collective care costs with a focus on vitality and care in collaboration with Dutch health care sytem. The ability for the user to be in contact with a care provider directly 24/7 via the app.​
I was the main Product Designer working along with an engineer during the project. Therefore, I was also responsible for the art direction since XpertHealth Netherlands was in the early product development stage.

Personalized experience for every user
The Problem
The medical care in the Netherlands becomes more expensive every year. Along with these high costs for the citizens, companies are also suffering from increasing healthcare costs. With the initiative to shift the focus to vitality and prevention that's affordable and accessible for anyone. Accordingly, eHealth was one of the solutions to aim for vitality and prevention.
Historically, XpertHealth started a similar product service, Xin.Care in China, however, it required an external app(WeChat) in order to offer the service. Hence, a lot of limitations were discovered.

Example of iterations that were made between iterations
Moving away from the Xin.Care to pave the way for a new version of eHealth required a new approach to how the app should be built technically and the way how to offer the vitality and prevention services digitally.
For User
Our solution is to make health care more accessible in situations where you don't have to schedule appointments, offer preventative services and keep track of your current health status.
For Business
Working together with Health Care companies in the Netherlands and offering the care on B2B level at first. ​
For Product
Creating a service app without depending on external factors and having the freedom to expand with features and services in the future.​
To get a better understanding of what types of eHealth services are out there, I did competitive research by analyzing elements of digital health care services. The online service is basically surrounded by checking your own health symptoms and the ability to keep track of your health status to focus on prevention.
In addition, we conducted a few rounds of remote user testing with iterations based on feedback. With this collected data, we determined the next principles:
1. Make it accessible
2. Less is more
3. Personalise the service

Overview of the Symptom Checker
With the guidance of the collected data during the research, I persuade the team to focus on humanizing the experience in comparison with the current eHealth app Xin.Care to create an impact on new users. In order to build that experience and trust with the users, we saw the importance of concise copy and the way how to approach them was crucial. Besides the user experience, we also tested different APIs to make a decision on which technology we will be going forward with.
How it works
Mobile sign up
Moving away from the traditional form we focused on two elements: personal and engaging – transforming the physical interaction to the digital experience with Cory.

Symptom Checker
More interactions with Cory.Care, also means offering a tailored user experience. Personal questions regarding your health status will be asked by Cory – where it will be helpful when the user request for online consultation directly (a service XpertHealth will add to the app after the first launch). With Xin.Care, the information couldn't be stored because it was based on an external app WeChat.
With Symptom Checker, users can run health assessment in order to receive a results report. This can be documented within the account as well as shared with a health care professional at a later stage.

Basic information about the user

Search flow on symptom checker

Questions about their health background
The API Cory.Care is based on, should keep on improving in order to give users better report results based on the assessment. Therefore, the user can give us feedback to improve the assessment as well as the accuracy of the results. Historically, Xin.Care was not possible to offer personalized service, especially when it comes to the user's health.

Symptom Checker assessment
Report results
The health reports comes in five different stages: ​
1. Self care
2. Get a consultation by a doctor
3. Get a consultation within 24 hours by a doctor
4. Emergency: going to emergency department to get the right medical evaluation
5. Emergency care: recommended to call the ambulance
Since each stage has its own urgency, the buttons shown in tapbar would also be different:
1. Start a new assessment when results are in stage 1 & 2
2. Ability to call the emergency in stage 3 to 5

Keep track of your health information

Results & next stages
XpertHealth Netherlands was at the early stages of their business development with lots of exciting updates on the roadmap. The user tests during the first project phase was very positive so far about the new initiative.
Even if there wasn't enough metrics to measure the success with the target audience, I created a solid foundation for the company with not just the basic functionalities of the app. But also improving the workflow internally, such as creating a basis for design systems, reusable components in design files, project management and giving art direction what colours to use etc.
The next stages
Since the app will only be expanded from now, I suggested the team to set up the further development in different stages. The next stages to focus on were:
- More user testing with the basic Cory.Care version and improve.
- Ability to connect your smart device, such as Garmin or Apple Watch to the app.
- A dashboard that showcases your health status from the smart device with personalized triggers on what to improve on.
- Working together with Dutch Healthcare Providers (B2B)
In order to make a project successful, working efficiently and prioritizing technical requirements were crucial to keep the milestones realistic.